Associate Dean of Graduate Programs & Professor of ManagementLocation:
137 Halpin-Harrison HallPhone:
(540) 665-4629Email: bdykes@hongjiuchina.com
Educational History:
Ph.D., Michigan State University; M.B.A., Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia; B.B.A., Howard University
Fields of Expertise:
- Strategic management
- International business
Kolev, K., Dykes, B., Ferrier, W., Hughes-Morgan, M. & Kang, S. (Forthcoming. 2025). Fast or Slow? A Meta-Analytic Review of the Performance Implications of Decision, Implementation and Response Speed. Journal of Management Scientific Reports.
Dykes, B., Kolev, K., Ferrier, W. & Hughes-Morgan, M. (2023) Beware the pitfalls of agility.
MIT Sloan Management Review.
Dykes, B. & Uzuegbunam, I. (2022) Partner choice in the public interest: Experience and risk in public-private partnerships. Journal of International Business Policy, 6, 47-66.
Dykes, B. (2021) Nimble Scholarship by Necessity. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30(2), 243-246.
Dykes, B., Hughes-Morgan, M., Kolev, K. & Ferrier, W. (2020) Responding to COVID-19 with speed and agility. MIT Sloan Management Review. http://sloanreview.mit.edu/
Dykes, B., Stevens, C. & Lahiri, N. (2020) Foreignness in public-private partnerships: The case of project finance investments. Journal of International Business Policy, 3(2), 183-197.
Dykes, B., Hughes-Morgan, M., Kolev, K. & Ferrier, W. (2019) Organizational speed as a dynamic capability: Towards a holistic perspective. Strategic Organization, 17(2), 266-278.
Dykes, B. & Kolev, K. (2018) Entry timing in foreign markets: A meta-analytic review & critique. Journal of International Management, 24(4), 404-416.
Dykes, B. & Jones, C. (2016) Public-private partnerships in Africa: Challenges and opportunities for management research. Africa Journal of Management, 2(3), 381-393.
Stevens, C. & Dykes, B. (2013) The Home Country Cultural Determinants of Firms’ Foreign Market Entry Timing. Long Range Planning, 46(4-5), 387-410.
Haleblian, J., McNamara, G., Kolev, K. & Dykes, B. (2012) Exploring Firm Characteristics that Differentiate Leaders from Followers in Industry Merger Waves: A Competitive Dynamics Approach.
Strategic Management Journal, 33(9), 1037-1052.
Mishina, Y., Dykes, B., Block, E. & Pollock, T.G. (2010) Why “Good” Firms Do Bad Things: The Effects of High Aspirations, High Expectations and Prominence on the Incidence of Corporate Illegality. Academy of Management Journal, 53 (4), 701-722.
Hult, G. T., Ketchen, D., Griffith, D., Chabowski, B., Hoffman, M., Dykes, B., Pollitte, W.
& Cavusgil, T.S. (2008) An Assessment of the Measurement of Performance in International Business Research. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(6), 1064-1080.
McNamara, G., Haleblian, J. & Dykes, B. (2008) The Performance Implications of Participating in an Acquisition Wave: Early Mover Advantages, Bandwagon Effects and the Moderating Influence of Industry Characteristics and Acquirer Tactics. Academy of Management Journal, 51(1), 113-130.
Gomez-Mejia, L., Wiseman, R. & Dykes, B. (2005) Agency Problems in Diverse Contexts: A Global Perspective. Journal of Management Studies, 42 (7), 1507-1517.
Personal Quote:Fill your life with experiences…not excuses.